Friday, June 5, 2009

Tropicals Are Outside, Rincon, Puerto Rico

As it is now officially the "wet season"...means we have rain for a little while each afternoon...I have started to trim back on the garden to let the rains bring out the lush new growth. As I was trimming, I was struck by how what mainlanders think of as "house" plants are actually "outside" garden plants here in Puerto Rico. This peace plant is a great example. When on the mainland, this was one of my favorite plants with which to gift as it has such lush green foliage and the flowers are magnificent. Here at the Lemontree, we have peace plants in abundance and their strong white flowers tower over the other greenery. Here in the photograph, it is nestled in the asparagus fern...yes, another tropical that typically one thinks of as growing indoors!

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