Here in Puerto Rico, Gallos Fighting or Cock Fighting is a revered and honored tradition. Cocks are raised and nurtured and trained for battle in the coliseum. Cock fighting means to be alive. Almost every town has its own Gallistico or arena for cock fighting.

This man is the time keeper and counter. In this training exhibition, he counts how many times each gallo strikes the other. In the other photograph, you will see what looks like a orange rubber anklet. This is to protect the cocks from each other during this training. In the coliseum, they have more combative gear.

Yes, this is two gallos in the arena. They were really, really fast! I took a lot of stills but as the gallos weren't still, they are difficult to see. In this one, you can see them with their heads together. As I watched I was reminded of the bullfights I had seen in Spain and the coliseum in Rome.
Fortunately, my camera has a movie feature, so I shot about 30 seconds of one of the combats. The combats last three minutes. You will hear the shouts and excitement from the crowd. This is a betting sport and we were told that high spirits and high bets prevail when the gallos meet in the coliseums or gallisticos.
1 comment:
So different. In the U.S., particularly in the northeast, this would be seen in such a different light.
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