Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ah... Winter at last in Rincon

Well, not exactly. This is more or less the same view that we posted yesterday but not quite the same. Surely its not snow which covers the hills of Anasco... or the palm trees down the beach.

What it is are several photographs taken with an infrared filter (IR) and then stitched together in Photoshop. The IR filters block out all but the otherwise invisible infra red wavelengths of light and so what you have is a photograph of the world as out eyes can't see it. It happens that the chlorophyll in green plants is a great reflector of IR light and so they show up as white. The sea, absorbs light and so it produces very little reflected IR light for the camera sensor to pick up... hence its dark color. This is not a converted black and white photograph. It is an IR photograph with the color temperature set to 5,500K which is the temperature of sunlight. If you are interested in IR photography the web is full of resources. You can begin here.

We get so used to seeing the brilliant greens and the varied blues of the sky and sea... Its quite novel to see the world with a different set of eyes.

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