Monday, December 8, 2008

Gallery Opening

The Secret Garden Art Gallery, about 1/4 of a mile down Carr 429, from the Lemontree Oceanfront Cottages, had its new season opening this past weekend. The tropical setting of the Gallery makes for a fabulous venue to display the art.

Roberto Ortiz, the owner, has new oil canvases up and his work is spectacular. Some canvases invite you into them to delve into their inner recesses while others are incredible explosions of tropical color.

Other local artists also exhibit there including your Lemontree hosts, Captain Ted and Bella Jane. Captain Ted has photographs from his most recent body of work, Sea of Memories, as well as underwater images taken out at Desecheo Island, Pr. He also has gritty San Juan scenes, black and white abstract nudes, and beautiful sunrises and sunsets for which Rincon is famous. In this image, Ted was able to capture a sereneRincon, PR sunrise of orange and blue.

Bella Jane's paper mache tropical fish are hanging in the front gallery and standing near them is being in a surreal school of tropical fish. Their colors are exotic and daring and never fail to bring a smile to the viewer! The gallery also has an array of artists who exhibit jewelry of all kinds including pieces using sea glass collected right here on the beach in Rincon.

Rincon, for a small town, has an exciting and vibrant art scene with galleries and continuing changing exhibitions at the Hotel Rincon of the Seas (where Captain Ted's photographs from his Sea of Memories collection are currently on view) and the Cooperativa Credit Union Public Space. As the season continues, we will visit openings and exhibitions and share those with you in the blog

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