I came across this poem recently about the sea:
The grey sea creeps half-visible, half-hushed,
And grasps with its innumerable hands
These silent walls. I see beyond a rough
Glimmering infinity, I feel the wash
And hear the sibilation of the waves
That whisper to each other as they push
To shoreward side by side, --long lines and dim
Of movement flecked with quivering spots of foam,
The quiet welter of a shifting world.
I think... besides the beauty of the words and their music, the poem is about the sea as a link between our world and a transcendent world. And, what about that word... "sibilation." I had to look that one up. It means a kind of indistinct, unintelligible or hissing sound... perhaps the kind that the sea makes as it moves up on to the shore... and then recedes.
I made the photograph one very dark night... I saw the lights and the people on the beach... heard the "sibilaton" of the gentle movement of the tide mixed, perhaps with the sounds from down the beach, perhaps the sounds of the "night birds" as well ... all connected in some way that I really don't understand... probably never will. But perhaps its enough now to appreciate the rough glimmer, caught in a side glance, of infinity.