Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pelicans, Puerto Rico

I caught this pelican in flight one morning. The bird gliding silently across the sea moved without moving. A paradox? Sometimes they glide by in pairs or in larger formations shaped in a V. They are quite aware of what is below them and when they spot a ball of fish proceed to dive down, catch and then swallow the small fish. They might sit for a bit on the water and then awkwardly and slowly start to walk, skip, hop and fly in a take-off. At evening's end they will fly to roosts in nearby trees... and at dawn return to hunt. Fishermen are also aware of the pelicans and will follow them to spots where they see these large birds hitting the water. Sometimes when the smaller, bait fish come to the surface it means that below are the larger fish out hunting the small ones ... and so it goes.

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