Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Its the small things that count: Desecheo Island, Puerto Rico

In diving it is only natural for divers to hope to get a glimpse of the larger animals that can be seen by the reef. Turtles, sting rays, octopus, dolphins and so forth. Now, while I have seen all of these creatures and more at Desecheo Island and on our near shore reefs, there are other wonderful creatures as well.

Above is a picture of a small hermit crab in a snail shell hiding in the cleft of a sponge. This fellow is about as big as a thumb nail... including his shell. It takes some luck and patience to spot one like this. Usually they will hide or duck into their shell if they sense something large near by. Buoyancy control... moving slowly... being still and watchful are the keys. On some dives, I just hang by a small patch of coral under the boat for the entire dive... looking and shooting. its just amazing the diversity of life on the reef and it is all accessible if one gives up the urge to go on the chase for the big one.

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