Saturday, January 3, 2009

El Faro

This image of the lighthouse (El Faro) in Rincon, reminds us that the newly tropically replanted and refurbished lighthouse park and overlook affords magnificent views of the stretch of water out to Desecheo Island and north to the surfing beach at Domes. This lighthouse is an iconic image of Rincon and a perfect place to get a sense of the sea and its power as it smashes up on the rocks.

Today a "swell" is in and the waves hitting the rocks around the lighthouse are spectacular with their loud breaking and huge sprays of water. Standing there today, one gets a sense of the real purpose of this lighthouse years ago as ships came along the coast and needed its shining beacon to avoid the rocks in the pounding surf.
While today the lighthouse is the centerpiece of a lovely community park, when standing next to it, one feels small and can get a sense of its importance to sailors of the past.

Along with the lighthouse, Rincon offers much to see and do.

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