Sunday, March 29, 2009

Orchid at the Lemontree, Rincon Puerto Rico

Yesterday evening I went out to the courtyard here at the Lemontree and took several photographs of some of the flowers that we have growing. This orchid is not especially large or grand. The color is what attracts most people to these flowers. For me it was the shape. The exotic, sensuous, otherworldly form that caught my eye.

I made a black and white conversion of the above picture and toned it lightly. Here it is:

Take a look at the two images. For me the black and white version, striped of its natural color that shows its form and contour. The eye is not so distracted by the color.

1 comment:

Jetpuffed said...

I have to agree with your opinion about the black and white vs the color ...less distracting. Beautiful!
See you all friday nite! Papaya!