Monday, March 9, 2009

Rincon, a community of beaches in Puerto Rico

This image was made several days after a very windy swell, that dominated our beach scene for several days, had swept away. Now, the surfers were in the water, the walkers were out and in some places... snorkeling was happening. When you live by the sea you come to accept the beach that nature presents to you each day. You actually have no choice.

Sometimes it seems that we residents of the post-modern world expect that human agency can curb every excess and enhance every dip that nature sends...and yet, it just cannot work out that way. Our beaches are not broad expanses of sugar white sand that was trucked in from somewhere else. Our beaches have the sand that has come to them naturally with the ebb and flow of the ocean. The beaches here tend to be narrow and from time to time experience some sand mobility, depending on what weather systems are sent by the fall storms and winter swells and summer storms.

As for water sports...sometimes snorkeling is great... sometimes its just not happening. Same for surfing and occasionally for walking. In Rincon, we are blessed to have beaches that are north west facing and those that are south facing. The south facing ones are relatively calmer than the north facing ones especially when the swells roll in from the north. On almost all days you can find a great ocean side or in water activity here... from walking to parasailing. From jet ski work to a gentle soak. Depending upon what Mother Nature has dealt and where you are staying, it just may not happen right outside your door or as the brochures say "just steps away from the beach." It can be be found however a short walk or drive from where you are staying because Rincon is blessed to be a small town of many beaches.

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