Friday, November 21, 2008

The swell is in

This morning we awoke to "the swell." It was well forecast and on schedule as it built in strength overnight. This swell will be with us through the weekend. During the winter months the swells come in from the northwest as large cold air fronts exit the US and make their way south. The fronts create huge waves but by the time they reach us they are the perfect size for surfing. In fact because Rincon is located on a point... one side of which is northwest facing and the other south facing the waves wrap, diminishing in size as they move further south around the point.

You can check out a surf cam for the Puntas here and the surf report for all of the major surf breaks in the area as well.

Since Rincon is a small town of many beaches, for surfers, this means a wave size for every skill level. For lookers, it means an opportunity to cruise the many beaches for great action and to watch the surfers catching the waves. On some beaches it is possible to do body boarding. On still others you can swim and bob in the water and enjoy walks along the waters edge.

At the Lemontree, the arrival of the first swell of the Winter session is always welcome. This one has coincided with the coming of cooler air, in the mid 80's at mid day and the mid 70's in the evening. This morning of the first big swell, the breeze is fresh and tinged with energy. In the distant past, someone told me that the good feelings one has at the beach are due to the "negative ions" that are thrown off by the incoming surf. What ever it is, the sound and peaks of the water and the change in the air mark the beginning of our winter here.

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