Friday, November 14, 2008

Mandevilla in the morning

Each day when I wake up and go out into the courtyard, the mandevilla plant greets me with new bright yellow flowers. This tropical viney plant thrives on the salt air and breezes here at the Lemontree. When I put them in four years ago, I wondered how they would fare here and they have absolutely thrived. They had grown thick across the trellis between the two cottages and a few weeks ago we cut them completely back to just the bark. Whenever I cut something back I always wonder, "will it come back?" Well, today the tropical mandevilla are again green, lush and covered with yellow flowers. Spectacular to see and such a feeling of life and exuberance. They thrive on what the Lemontree offers...gentle breezes and tropical climate year round! This is a picture Ted took of one of the blooms in the soft morning light.

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