Sunday, November 23, 2008

Gift from the sea

We recently had a rather spritual response from one of our guests to our thread on living by the sea. Here it is:

"Living by the sea it is difficult to escape the humbling peace of God's creation. The sounds of the gentle waves and the salty breeze are like His whisper in the conscience calling one back from the world's vanity."

There is no doubt that for many a seaside experience promotes reflection. When we allow ourselves to enter into the sphere of the seaside the basic rhythms and elemental quality of the sea seems to open up a window on our relationship with creation however defined. Perhaps it is to nature, or other people. Perhaps to a part of our own being which has not been acknowledged.

In the mid 50's Ann Lindbergh, the wife of the aviator Charles Lindbergh wrote a wonderful meditation of life and love. The book "Gift from the sea" might be the perfect book to bring with you to the seaside... or perhaps to prepare you for you time away.

The photograph above if from the collection Sea of Memories. You can see the entire collection here.

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